Friday, November 15, 2013

Caption Writing

1. Curtis Reagan steals a kiss from Lois Lane on tuesday the 25th, in central new york, time square. Reagan snatched a kiss joyfully from Lane after the announcement that the allies had defeated the Nazis, ending world war 2

2. Marlyn Monroe catches her dress late night tuesday on the 21st in central New York. Monroe was on her way to an opera when this photo was captured.

3. Jesse Owens wins an olympic gold medal at the olympics during Nazi warfare in Germany. Jesse won multiple medals that year infuriating Germany.

4. Runners legs blown off in terrorist attack during marathon in massachusetts on a warm morning. Police run to the scene as the bombing captures all by surprise

5.U.S military officials watch worried, the 9/11 crash of the the twin towers on september 11th 2001. All officials were speechless and shocked.